How to place a hold on an item in the Westmoreland Library Network (WLN)


Our catalog can be viewed on our website You can search for your requested item. Some are available at our location, but the ones that are not can be sent to the Delmont Library. While logged into your patron account you can select “Place Request.” This will place a hold on the item and get it shipped to the Delmont Library.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call (724-468-5329) or email the Library at


When your hold has been processed, you will be contacted via your contact preferences noted in your account.


Once you have received confirmation that your hold is ready for pickup, give your name to the staff member at the Circulation Desk and let them know you are there to pick-up your items. Alternatively, you can proceed to the Holds Shelf and find your items under your last name. If the items are not picked up by their “unclaimed date”, they will be reshelved.



Can someone else pick up my hold(s)?
Someone else may pick up your items as long as you make prior arrangements with the Library. Please call the Library and provide them with the first and last name of the person picking up. This helps ensure all items get to the correct patron.
How will I know my items are ready for pick-up?
Depending on how you set up your notifications when you signed up for your Library Card, you will receive a phone call, email, or text message.
How do I return items?
You may return checked out items inside the library, or place them in the book drop outside.
What if my hold is from another library?
Materials can still be placed on hold from other Westmoreland Library Network libraries.
Do I need a library card?
A library card is required to check-out all items.
Can I come into the library to browse and pick out items in person?
The Library is open to the public, so please feel free to stop in and peruse our collection.
Can you look for specific items or provide reading suggestions?
Absolutely! Feel free to call or email us at with any reading suggestions you may have!
What if I have fines?
We no longer collect fines and our system is set to automatically renew your checked out items up to 4 times. If you have any issues, please contact the Library and a staff member will be able to assist. The ability to pay online is available by signing into your account on our website
Can I place a hold via telephone?
Yes, you can! Please call 724-468-5329 for assistance.