Memorial Contributions and Gifts

Direct contributions to the Library through memorials and gifts are greatly appreciated. Individuals and events can be remembered as memorials or to honor achievements, birthdays, anniversaries, or any other milestone or occasion.  Donors making contributions to the Library’s collection may choose to specify a genre or area within the collection, while the Library reserves the final decision on the selection of titles, or for specific titles. If requested, items purchased with these contributions may be plated in recognition.

We will send you a receipt for the gift, and we will notify the honoree or the family of the loved one of your kindness.

Many contributors specify their gift for our book collection, but the donations can be utilized for:

Purchase of specific books, magazine/newspaper subscriptions, a specific genre, an audiobook or DVD, or for eBooks.

Capital expenses – furniture, equipment, technology, event sponsorship, ect.

Operating costs

Remember that charitable contributions to non-profit organizations are tax-deductible under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.